Visitors Traffic Real Time Statistics Pro

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Visitors Traffic Real Time Statistics Pro
Online users, visits, visitors and page statistics    (NEW) Today visitors & visits chart Today search engines Recent Visitors (GeoIP location by Country, city and region)     (NEW) Comprehensive overview page (Dashboard), including browser versions, country stats, hits, exclusions, referrers, searches, search words and visitors Visits, see how many hits your site gets each day and each week & month Visits time graph to view the daily visitors per hour Visitors, see who’s visiting your site Visits, see how many hits your site gets each day Visitors, see who’s visiting your site Page tracking, see which pages are viewed most often Search Engines, see search queries and redirects from popular search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Yandex and Baidu GeoIP location by Country Support for not storing IP addresses in the database. Interactive map of visitors location Widget to display website statistics   (NEW) Record statistics on exclusions Automatic updates to the GeoIP database Automatically prune the databases of old data Overview page for all kinds of data, including; browser versions, country stats, hits, exclusions, referrers, searches, search words and visitors Sending summary PDF report to your email (comming soon)
Cập nhật: 21/02/2018 15:32
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